Thursday, February 26, 2009

October 1998

Management & Human Resource Development
October 1998

Time: 3Hours Marks: 100


a) "Management is distinct process of planning, organising, directing and controlling the human effect to achieve common objective". Elucidate the statement.(10)
b) Explain the need and importance of management. (6)

a) Define Planning. Bring out its nature and characteristics. (8)
b) Explain the various leadership styles. (8)

a) What is Motivation? What are the different methods that can be used for motivating employees? (10)
b) Explain the requirements of a good control system. (6)

a) What do you mean by the term 'Organisation'. Enumerate the different steps involved in the process of 'organising.' (8)
b) Distinguish between delegation of authority and decentralisation. (8)

a) Explain the merits of line organization and demerits of functional organisation.(8)
b) How to make committee organization effective? Explain the concept of matrix organization? (8)

Write short notes on (any three): (18)
a) Henry Fayol's principles of management.
b) Importance of coordination.
c) Features of professional management in India.
d) Factors determining span of control.
e) Guidelines for successful delegation of authority.
f) Suggestions for resolving line and staff conflicts.


a) What is production Management? Explain the various steps in Production Planning and Control. (8)
b) What is TQM? Discuss its advantages and limitations. (8)

a) What is Industrial Efficiency? What measures would you suggest to improve industrial efficiency? (8)
b) How can you measure Industrial Productivity? Explain the difficulties in measuring productivity. (8)

a) What is Industrial Sickness? Explain its features. (8)
b) What are the causes and remedies of industrial sickness? (8)

a) Elucidate the meaning and scope of Human Resource Development. (8)
b) What is Human Resource Planning? Bring out its need and importance. (8)

a) Explain the various types of employment tests and their advantages. (8)
b) What do you mean by Training and Development? Bring out the various purposes of Training and Development (8)

Write notes on (any three): (18)
a) Quality Circles.
b) Uses and application of Role Analysis.
c) Importance of Scientific Selection Policy.
d) Distinction between On-The-Job Training and Off-The-Job Training. e) Purposes and uses of Performance Appraisal.
f) Ranking Method of Performance Appraisal.

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