Thursday, February 26, 2009

March 2007

Management & Production Planning
March 2007
Time: 3Hours Marks: 100

1 All questions are compulsory.
2 Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3 Answers to the two sections should be written in the same answer book.


Explain the meaning of any seven of the following terms in not more than five lines each :- (14)
(a) Unity of Command.
(b) Fatigue Study.
(c) Linear Programming.
(d) M. B. O.
(e) Line and Staff.
(f) Span of Management.
(g) Principle of Exception.
(h) Budgetary Control.
(i) Aptitude Test.
(j) Decentralisation.

Answer any three of the following questions:- (18)
(a) Define management and explain its characteristics.
(b) Discus Gandhian Principle of Trusteeship.
(c) Define planning and explain any five components of planning.
(d) What do you mean by organising? Explain the steps in organising process.
(e) What is departmentation? Explain the bases of departmentation.
(f) State and explain the characteristics of Matrix Organisation.

Answer any three of the following questions:- (18)
(a) What is staffing? Explain the factors affecting staffing.
(b) Briefly describe the steps in selection procedure.
(c) Explain Herzberg's two factor theory of motivation.
(d) Define leadership and explain the qualities of a successful leader.
(e) What do you mean by controlling? Explain the steps in control process.
(f) "Co-ordination is an essence of management" explain.


Write short notes on any three of the following:- (18)
(i) Management as a Profession.
(ii) Techniques for Non-Programmed decisions.
(iii) Graicunas Theory.
(iv) Informal Organisation.
(v) Role of Interview.
(vi) Leadership Style.


Explain the meaning of any seven of the following terms in about five lines each:- (14)
(a) Human Resource Management.
(b) 360° Appraisal.
(c) Product Design.
(d) Refresher Training.
(e) Routing.
(f) Production and Productivity.
(g) Job Production.
(h) Quality Assurance.
(i) ABC Technique.
(j) Reorder Point.

Answer any three of the following questions:- (18)
(a) What is Human Resource Development? Explain its Scope.
(b) Explain on-the-job methods of training and development.
(c) Explain the limitations of performance appraisal.
(d) What is production planning and control? Explain its objectives.
(e) Explain the characteristics of a good product design.
(f) What is continuous production system? Explain its advantages.

Answer any three of the following questions:- (18)
(a) Explain the factors affecting industrial productivity.
(b) Explain the importance of suitable plant location.
(c) What is Quality Control? Explain any four techniques of Quality Control.
(d) Explain the problems in implementation of Total Quality Management in India.
(e) Explain the steps in Materials Requirement Planning.
(f) What do you mean by Inventory and Inventory Control? Explain Inventory Carrying Cost and Stock-out Cost.


Write short notes on any three of the following:- (18)
(i) Human Resource Accounting.
(ii) Importance of Performance Appraisal.
(iii) Functions of Production Management.
(iv) Flexible Manufacturing System
(v) Quality Circle.
(vi) Objectives of Inventory Management.

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