Thursday, February 26, 2009

March 2008

Management & Production Planning
March 2008
Time: 3Hours Marks:100

1 All questions are compulsory.
2 Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3 Answers to the two sections should be written in the same answer book.


Explain the meaning of any seven of the following terms in not more than five lines each :- (14)
(a) Conceptual skills
(b) Scientific Management
(c) Span of Control
(d) Mission
(e) Decentralisation of Authority
(f) Line organisation
(g) Structured Interview
(h) Assessment center
(i) Esteem needs
(j) SWOT Analysis.

Answer any three of the following questions:- (18)
(a) Define management. Explain any four principles of management.
(b) What do you understand by Gandhian concept of trusteeship ? Explain its applicability in the present business scenario.
(c) Define 'planning. Explain the essential requirements of a good plan.
(d) What do you mean by Organisation ? Explain the steps in organising process.
(e) What is delegation of authority ? What are the obstacles in delegation ?
(f) Explain the features of Matrix Organisation.

Answer any three of the following questions:- (18)
(a) Explain briefly the steps in selection procedure
(b) Explain the role of interview in selection process
(c) Explain McGregor's Theory `X' and Theory `Y'
(d) Define 'Leadership'. Explain any five styles of leadership
(e) What is budgetory control ? Explain its advantages
(f) Co-ordination is an essence of management' explain.


Write short notes on any three of the following:- (18)
(i) Functions of Top Level Management
(ii) Steps in MBO
(iii) Factors affecting span of control
(iv) Types of employment tests
(v) Importance of motivation
(vi) Techniques of Non-Programmed Decisions.


Explain the meaning of any seven of the following terms in about five lines each:- (14)
(a) Human Resource Development
(b) Human Resource Accounting
(c) Job rotation
(d) 360° Appraisal
(e) Flexible Manufacturing System
(f) Quality Assurance
(g) Product design
(h) Inventory
(i) Re-order point
(j) Buffer stock.

Answer any three of the following questions:- (18)
(a) What do you mean by human resource planning ? Explain its importance.
(b) Explain off-the-job methods of training and development.
(c) What are the limitations of performance appraisal ?
(d) Explain the scope of production management.
(e) Briefly explain steps in new product development.
(f) Explain 'job production', 'batch production' and 'mass production' with examples.

Answer any three of the following questions:- (18)
(a) How would you measure industrial productivity ?
(b) Explain the factors affecting selection of suitable site for locating production facilities.
(c) Explain the concept of 'product quality'. What are the dimensions of quality ?
(d) What is Total Quality Management ? Explain the problems in successful implementation of Total Quality Management.
(e) What is Material Requirement Planning? What are the steps in Material Requirement Planning?
(f) What are the objectives of inventory control?


Write short notes on any three of the following:- (18)
(i) Uses of performance appraisal
(ii) Routing and scheduling
(iii) Quality circle
(iv) Inventory costs
(v) Human Resource Management
(vi) ISO-9000 certification procedure.

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