October 2007
Time: 3Hours Marks:100
1 All questions are compulsory.
2 Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3 Answers to the two sections should be written in the same answer book.
Explain the meaning of any seven of the following terms in not more than five lines each :- (14)
(a) Conceptual Skills.
(b) Time and Motion Study.
(c) MBO.
(d) Delphi Technique.
(e) Departmentation.
(f) Responsibility and Accountability.
(g) Staffing.
(h) Job Specification.
(i) Patience and Tolerance.
(j) Tall Organisation.
Answer any three of the following questions:- (18)
(a) "Management is both an Art and Science". Explain.
(b) Explain the behavioural science approach to Management.
(c) Define 'Planning' and explain the steps in planning process.
(d) What do you mean by organising? Explain any five principles of organising.
(e) Explain the factors affecting Span of Management.
(f) What is line organisation? Explain its features.
Answer any three of the following questions:- (18)
(a) What are the external sources of recruitment? Explain their advantages.
(b) Explain the importance of Interview in the Selection Process.
(c) Explain Maslow's need hierarchy theory of motivation.
(d) Define leadership and explain any five styles of leadership.
(e) State the control techniques and explain any two of them in detail.
(f) Is Co-ordination necessary? Explain.
Write short notes on any three of the following:- (18)
(i) Levels of Management. `
(ii) Techniques for Programmed Decisions.
(iii) Importance of Delegation.
(iv) Matrix Organisation.
(v) Group Discussion.
(vi) Motivational Factors.
Explain the meaning of any seven of the following terms in not more than five lines each:- (14)
(a) Human Resource Accounting.
(b) Counselling and Guidance.
(c) Induction Training.
(d) Production and Productivity.
(e) Flexible Manufacturing System.
(f) Quality Circle.
(g) Statistical Quality Control.
(h) Just-in-Time Technique.
(i) Safety Stock.
(j) Reorder Point.
Answer any three of the following:- (18)
(a) What is Human Resource Planning? Explain the steps in human resource planning.
(b) Explain "off the job" methods of training and development.
(c) Explain any three methods of performance appraisal.
(d) What are the functions of Production Management?
(e) What are the essentials of a good product design?
(f) Explain Job Production, Batch Production and Project Production with examples.
Answer any three of the following questions:- (18)
(a) "Higher productivity is the need of the hour". In the light of the statement, explain the importance of higher industrial productivity.
(b) Explain the factors affecting selection of suitable site for locating production facilities.
(c) What is ISO 9000 ? Explain the procedure to obtain ISO Certification.
(d) What is TQM? Explain its advantages.
(e) What is material planning? Explain its importance.
(f) Explain Perpetual Inventory Control System.
Write short notes on any three of the following:- (18)
(i) Human Resource Management.
(ii) Limitations of Performance Appraisal.
(iii) Routing and Scheduling.
(iv) National Productivity Council.
(v) Quality Assurance.
(vi) Inventory Costs.
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