Thursday, February 26, 2009

October 2006

Management & Production Planning
October 2006
(Revised Course)

Time: 3Hours Marks:100

1 All questions are compulsory.
2 Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3 Answers to the two sections should be written in the same answer book.


Explain the meaning of any six of the following terms in about five lines each :- (12)
(a) Scalar Chain.
(b) Human Skills.
(c) Mission and Objectives.
(d) Delegation of Authority.
(e) Matrix Organization.
(f) Refresher Training.
(g) Job-enrichment.
(h) Break-even Point.
(i) Performance Appraisal.

Answer any four of the following questions:- (20)
(a) Is management an art? Discuss.
(b) Define planning and explain briefly the steps in planning process.
(c) What is decision making? What are the modern techniques for programmed decisions?
(d) What do you mean by departmentation? What are the bases of departmentation?
(e) Explain the factors affecting Span of Management.
(f) What do you mean by 'Line and Staff' organization? What are the complaints of Line Executives against Staff Managers?
(g) Define controlling and explain the essential requirements of a good control system.

Answer any three of the following questions:- (18)
(a) What is Human Resource Development? What are the Problems of Human Resource Development?
(b) What do you mean by Training and Development? Explain the essential requirements of a good Training Program me.
(c) What is Job-design? What are the factors affecting Job-design?
(d) Critically examine Maslow's need hierarchy Theory of Motivation.
(e) Define leadership and explain any five styles of leadership.
(f) Explain the purpose and uses of performance appraisal.


Write short notes on any three of the following:- (18)
(i) Behavioral Science Approach.
(ii) Management by Objectives.
(iii) Obstacles to Delegation of Authority.
(iv) Assessment Center.
(v) Human Resource Accounting.
(vi) Nature and Purpose of International Business.


Explain the meaning of any six of the following terms in about five lines each:- (12)
(a) Production Planning.
(b) Product Development.
(c) Jobbing Production.
(d) Flexible Manufacturing system.
(e) Quality Circle.
(f) Work Study.
(g) Inventory.
(h) Buffer Stock.
(i) Stock-out cost.

Answer any four of the following questions:- (20)
(a) Briefly explain the stages in the historical evolution of Production Management.
(b) Write notes on "Strategic Planning for Production".
(c) "Higher Productivity leads to Prosperity". Discuss with reference to importance of higher Industrial Productivity.
(d) How do you measure Industrial Productivity?
(e) What is product design? Explain the factors to be considered while designing a product.
(f) What is Routing and Scheduling? Explain the importance of Routing and Scheduling.
(g) Explain the factors affecting the selection of suitable location for production facilities.

Answer any three of the following questions:- (18)
(a) What are production standards? Briefly explain the standards that are required to be established at different levels.
(b) Explain the steps in work measurement.
(c) What is total quality management? Explain the advantages of TQM.
(d) Explain the steps in Quality Control.
(e) What is material planning ? Explain its importance.
(f) What is Inventory Control? Explain any five Techniques of Inventory Control.


Write short notes on any three of the following:- (18)
(i) Continuous Production System.
(ii) Operations Research.
(iii) Dimensions of Quality.
(iv) Manufacturing Process Technology.
(v) Perpetual Inventory Control.
(vi) MRP as a scheduling and ordering system.

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