April 1998
Time: 3Hours Marks: 100
a) "Management is the accomplishment of results through the efforts of other people". Elucidate the statement and explain the nature of management. (8)
b) What do you mean by levels of management? What are functions of each level? (8)
a) Explain Luther Gullick's functions of management. (8)
b) Distinguish between management and administration. (8)
a) What are the components of planning? (8)
b) Explain the term M.B.O. (8)
a) Examine the need and importance of motivation. (8)
b) Explain Maslow's theory of motivation. (8)
a) Distinguish between formal and informal organization. (8)
b) What are the principles of organization? (8)
Write notes on any three of the following: (18)
a) Organisational Chart
b) Departmentation
c) Theory of Graicunas (Span of Control)
d) Delegation of Authority
e) Features of Line Organization
f) Importance of C-ordination
a) Examine the steps involved in the production planning. (8)
b) Explain the importance of TOM. (8)
a) Describe the steps to be taken for quality control. (8)
b) What is the role of inspection in quality control? (8)
a) What are the factors that affect labour productivity? (8)
b) What are the problems in measuring the industrial productivity? (8)
a) How the sickness of the industry is identified? What are the causes of industrial sickness? (8)
b) What measures are generally taken to solve the problem of industrial sickness?(8)
a) Distinguish between job description and job specification. (6)
b) Explain the different sources of recruitment. What are their respective merits and demerits? (10)
Write notes on any three of the following: (18)
a) Role of Interview and Group discussion
b) Purpose of Training
c) Man-power planning
d) Technique of Performance Appraisal
e) Aptitude Tests
f) Scientific Selection.
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