Thursday, February 26, 2009

October 2008

Management & Production Planning
October 2008
Time: 3Hours Marks:100

1 All questions are compulsory.
2 Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3 Answers to the two sections should be written in the same answer book.


Explain the meaning of any seven of the following terms in not more than five lines each :- (14)
(a) Unity of Command
(b) Time Study
(c) Delphi technique
(d) M.B.O
(e) Strategy
(f) Delegation of Authority
(g) Job specification
(h) Aptitude test
(i) Self-actualisation needs
(j) Management Audit.

Answer any three of the following questions:- (18)
(a) Define 'Management' and explain its features.
(b) Explain the basic philosophy of Human Relations Approach to Management.
(c) Define 'planning' and explain its importance.
(d) Explain briefly any six principles of organising.
(e) What is Departmentation? What are the bases of Departmentation?
(f) What measures do you suggest for resolving the conflicts between 'Line' and 'Staff'?

Answer any three of the following questions:- (18)
(a) What are the external sources of recruitment? Explain their advantages
(b) Explain briefly various types of interview.
(c) Define 'Motivation' and explain Non-Monetary factor of Motivation.
(d) Explain in brief, various styles of leadership.
(e) Define 'Control' and explain the steps in control process.
(f) What do you mean by co-ordination? Explain its importance.


Write short notes on any three of the following:- (18)
(i) Managerial skills.
(ii) Steps in Decision Making Process.
(iii) Factors affecting span of control
(iv) Group Discussion.
(v) Theory 'X' and Theory 'Y'.
(vi) Informal Organization.


Explain the meaning of any seven of the following terms in about five lines each:- (14)
(a) Human resouece Planning.
(b) Refresher Training.
(c) 360° Appraisal.
(d) Statistical Quality Control.
(e) Job Order Production.
(f) Mass Production.
(g) Safety Stock.
(h) Inventory Carrying cost.
(i) Labour Productivity.
(j) Role Playing.

Answer any three of the following questions:- (18)
(a) What is Human Resource Management? Explain its scope.
(b) Explain the importance of Training and Development.
(c) What do you mean by Performance Appraisal? What are its uses?
(d) Define 'Production Planning and Control' and explain its objectives.
(e) What are the essential features of a good product design?
(f) What is flexible manufacturing system? Explain its advantages and suitability.

Answer any three of the following questions:- (18)
(a) What is Industrial Productivity? What steps you would take to improve industrial productivity?
(b) Explain the importance of suitable plant location.
(c) Explain briefly 'Quality Control', 'Quality Circle' and 'Quality Assurance'.
(d) What is Total Quality Management? Explain its features.
(e) What do you mean by Material Planning? Explain its importance.
(f) What is Inventory Control? Explain any three Inventroy Control Techniques.


Write short notes on any three of the following:- (18)
(i) Human Resource Accounting.
(ii) Routing and Scheduling.
(iii) ISO 9,000 Certification Procedure.
(iv) National Productivity Council.
(v) Material Requirement Planning Procedure.
(vi) On-the-job Methods of Training.

March 2008

Management & Production Planning
March 2008
Time: 3Hours Marks:100

1 All questions are compulsory.
2 Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3 Answers to the two sections should be written in the same answer book.


Explain the meaning of any seven of the following terms in not more than five lines each :- (14)
(a) Conceptual skills
(b) Scientific Management
(c) Span of Control
(d) Mission
(e) Decentralisation of Authority
(f) Line organisation
(g) Structured Interview
(h) Assessment center
(i) Esteem needs
(j) SWOT Analysis.

Answer any three of the following questions:- (18)
(a) Define management. Explain any four principles of management.
(b) What do you understand by Gandhian concept of trusteeship ? Explain its applicability in the present business scenario.
(c) Define 'planning. Explain the essential requirements of a good plan.
(d) What do you mean by Organisation ? Explain the steps in organising process.
(e) What is delegation of authority ? What are the obstacles in delegation ?
(f) Explain the features of Matrix Organisation.

Answer any three of the following questions:- (18)
(a) Explain briefly the steps in selection procedure
(b) Explain the role of interview in selection process
(c) Explain McGregor's Theory `X' and Theory `Y'
(d) Define 'Leadership'. Explain any five styles of leadership
(e) What is budgetory control ? Explain its advantages
(f) Co-ordination is an essence of management' explain.


Write short notes on any three of the following:- (18)
(i) Functions of Top Level Management
(ii) Steps in MBO
(iii) Factors affecting span of control
(iv) Types of employment tests
(v) Importance of motivation
(vi) Techniques of Non-Programmed Decisions.


Explain the meaning of any seven of the following terms in about five lines each:- (14)
(a) Human Resource Development
(b) Human Resource Accounting
(c) Job rotation
(d) 360° Appraisal
(e) Flexible Manufacturing System
(f) Quality Assurance
(g) Product design
(h) Inventory
(i) Re-order point
(j) Buffer stock.

Answer any three of the following questions:- (18)
(a) What do you mean by human resource planning ? Explain its importance.
(b) Explain off-the-job methods of training and development.
(c) What are the limitations of performance appraisal ?
(d) Explain the scope of production management.
(e) Briefly explain steps in new product development.
(f) Explain 'job production', 'batch production' and 'mass production' with examples.

Answer any three of the following questions:- (18)
(a) How would you measure industrial productivity ?
(b) Explain the factors affecting selection of suitable site for locating production facilities.
(c) Explain the concept of 'product quality'. What are the dimensions of quality ?
(d) What is Total Quality Management ? Explain the problems in successful implementation of Total Quality Management.
(e) What is Material Requirement Planning? What are the steps in Material Requirement Planning?
(f) What are the objectives of inventory control?


Write short notes on any three of the following:- (18)
(i) Uses of performance appraisal
(ii) Routing and scheduling
(iii) Quality circle
(iv) Inventory costs
(v) Human Resource Management
(vi) ISO-9000 certification procedure.

October 2007

Management & Production Planning
October 2007
Time: 3Hours Marks:100

1 All questions are compulsory.
2 Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3 Answers to the two sections should be written in the same answer book.


Explain the meaning of any seven of the following terms in not more than five lines each :- (14)
(a) Conceptual Skills.
(b) Time and Motion Study.
(c) MBO.
(d) Delphi Technique.
(e) Departmentation.
(f) Responsibility and Accountability.
(g) Staffing.
(h) Job Specification.
(i) Patience and Tolerance.
(j) Tall Organisation.

Answer any three of the following questions:- (18)
(a) "Management is both an Art and Science". Explain.
(b) Explain the behavioural science approach to Management.
(c) Define 'Planning' and explain the steps in planning process.
(d) What do you mean by organising? Explain any five principles of organising.
(e) Explain the factors affecting Span of Management.
(f) What is line organisation? Explain its features.

Answer any three of the following questions:- (18)
(a) What are the external sources of recruitment? Explain their advantages.
(b) Explain the importance of Interview in the Selection Process.
(c) Explain Maslow's need hierarchy theory of motivation.
(d) Define leadership and explain any five styles of leadership.
(e) State the control techniques and explain any two of them in detail.
(f) Is Co-ordination necessary? Explain.


Write short notes on any three of the following:- (18)
(i) Levels of Management. `
(ii) Techniques for Programmed Decisions.
(iii) Importance of Delegation.
(iv) Matrix Organisation.
(v) Group Discussion.
(vi) Motivational Factors.


Explain the meaning of any seven of the following terms in not more than five lines each:- (14)
(a) Human Resource Accounting.
(b) Counselling and Guidance.
(c) Induction Training.
(d) Production and Productivity.
(e) Flexible Manufacturing System.
(f) Quality Circle.
(g) Statistical Quality Control.
(h) Just-in-Time Technique.
(i) Safety Stock.
(j) Reorder Point.

Answer any three of the following:- (18)
(a) What is Human Resource Planning? Explain the steps in human resource planning.
(b) Explain "off the job" methods of training and development.
(c) Explain any three methods of performance appraisal.
(d) What are the functions of Production Management?
(e) What are the essentials of a good product design?
(f) Explain Job Production, Batch Production and Project Production with examples.

Answer any three of the following questions:- (18)
(a) "Higher productivity is the need of the hour". In the light of the statement, explain the importance of higher industrial productivity.
(b) Explain the factors affecting selection of suitable site for locating production facilities.
(c) What is ISO 9000 ? Explain the procedure to obtain ISO Certification.
(d) What is TQM? Explain its advantages.
(e) What is material planning? Explain its importance.
(f) Explain Perpetual Inventory Control System.


Write short notes on any three of the following:- (18)
(i) Human Resource Management.
(ii) Limitations of Performance Appraisal.
(iii) Routing and Scheduling.
(iv) National Productivity Council.
(v) Quality Assurance.
(vi) Inventory Costs.

March 2007

Management & Production Planning
March 2007
Time: 3Hours Marks: 100

1 All questions are compulsory.
2 Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3 Answers to the two sections should be written in the same answer book.


Explain the meaning of any seven of the following terms in not more than five lines each :- (14)
(a) Unity of Command.
(b) Fatigue Study.
(c) Linear Programming.
(d) M. B. O.
(e) Line and Staff.
(f) Span of Management.
(g) Principle of Exception.
(h) Budgetary Control.
(i) Aptitude Test.
(j) Decentralisation.

Answer any three of the following questions:- (18)
(a) Define management and explain its characteristics.
(b) Discus Gandhian Principle of Trusteeship.
(c) Define planning and explain any five components of planning.
(d) What do you mean by organising? Explain the steps in organising process.
(e) What is departmentation? Explain the bases of departmentation.
(f) State and explain the characteristics of Matrix Organisation.

Answer any three of the following questions:- (18)
(a) What is staffing? Explain the factors affecting staffing.
(b) Briefly describe the steps in selection procedure.
(c) Explain Herzberg's two factor theory of motivation.
(d) Define leadership and explain the qualities of a successful leader.
(e) What do you mean by controlling? Explain the steps in control process.
(f) "Co-ordination is an essence of management" explain.


Write short notes on any three of the following:- (18)
(i) Management as a Profession.
(ii) Techniques for Non-Programmed decisions.
(iii) Graicunas Theory.
(iv) Informal Organisation.
(v) Role of Interview.
(vi) Leadership Style.


Explain the meaning of any seven of the following terms in about five lines each:- (14)
(a) Human Resource Management.
(b) 360° Appraisal.
(c) Product Design.
(d) Refresher Training.
(e) Routing.
(f) Production and Productivity.
(g) Job Production.
(h) Quality Assurance.
(i) ABC Technique.
(j) Reorder Point.

Answer any three of the following questions:- (18)
(a) What is Human Resource Development? Explain its Scope.
(b) Explain on-the-job methods of training and development.
(c) Explain the limitations of performance appraisal.
(d) What is production planning and control? Explain its objectives.
(e) Explain the characteristics of a good product design.
(f) What is continuous production system? Explain its advantages.

Answer any three of the following questions:- (18)
(a) Explain the factors affecting industrial productivity.
(b) Explain the importance of suitable plant location.
(c) What is Quality Control? Explain any four techniques of Quality Control.
(d) Explain the problems in implementation of Total Quality Management in India.
(e) Explain the steps in Materials Requirement Planning.
(f) What do you mean by Inventory and Inventory Control? Explain Inventory Carrying Cost and Stock-out Cost.


Write short notes on any three of the following:- (18)
(i) Human Resource Accounting.
(ii) Importance of Performance Appraisal.
(iii) Functions of Production Management.
(iv) Flexible Manufacturing System
(v) Quality Circle.
(vi) Objectives of Inventory Management.

October 2006

Management & Production Planning
October 2006
(Revised Course)

Time: 3Hours Marks:100

1 All questions are compulsory.
2 Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3 Answers to the two sections should be written in the same answer book.


Explain the meaning of any six of the following terms in about five lines each :- (12)
(a) Scalar Chain.
(b) Human Skills.
(c) Mission and Objectives.
(d) Delegation of Authority.
(e) Matrix Organization.
(f) Refresher Training.
(g) Job-enrichment.
(h) Break-even Point.
(i) Performance Appraisal.

Answer any four of the following questions:- (20)
(a) Is management an art? Discuss.
(b) Define planning and explain briefly the steps in planning process.
(c) What is decision making? What are the modern techniques for programmed decisions?
(d) What do you mean by departmentation? What are the bases of departmentation?
(e) Explain the factors affecting Span of Management.
(f) What do you mean by 'Line and Staff' organization? What are the complaints of Line Executives against Staff Managers?
(g) Define controlling and explain the essential requirements of a good control system.

Answer any three of the following questions:- (18)
(a) What is Human Resource Development? What are the Problems of Human Resource Development?
(b) What do you mean by Training and Development? Explain the essential requirements of a good Training Program me.
(c) What is Job-design? What are the factors affecting Job-design?
(d) Critically examine Maslow's need hierarchy Theory of Motivation.
(e) Define leadership and explain any five styles of leadership.
(f) Explain the purpose and uses of performance appraisal.


Write short notes on any three of the following:- (18)
(i) Behavioral Science Approach.
(ii) Management by Objectives.
(iii) Obstacles to Delegation of Authority.
(iv) Assessment Center.
(v) Human Resource Accounting.
(vi) Nature and Purpose of International Business.


Explain the meaning of any six of the following terms in about five lines each:- (12)
(a) Production Planning.
(b) Product Development.
(c) Jobbing Production.
(d) Flexible Manufacturing system.
(e) Quality Circle.
(f) Work Study.
(g) Inventory.
(h) Buffer Stock.
(i) Stock-out cost.

Answer any four of the following questions:- (20)
(a) Briefly explain the stages in the historical evolution of Production Management.
(b) Write notes on "Strategic Planning for Production".
(c) "Higher Productivity leads to Prosperity". Discuss with reference to importance of higher Industrial Productivity.
(d) How do you measure Industrial Productivity?
(e) What is product design? Explain the factors to be considered while designing a product.
(f) What is Routing and Scheduling? Explain the importance of Routing and Scheduling.
(g) Explain the factors affecting the selection of suitable location for production facilities.

Answer any three of the following questions:- (18)
(a) What are production standards? Briefly explain the standards that are required to be established at different levels.
(b) Explain the steps in work measurement.
(c) What is total quality management? Explain the advantages of TQM.
(d) Explain the steps in Quality Control.
(e) What is material planning ? Explain its importance.
(f) What is Inventory Control? Explain any five Techniques of Inventory Control.


Write short notes on any three of the following:- (18)
(i) Continuous Production System.
(ii) Operations Research.
(iii) Dimensions of Quality.
(iv) Manufacturing Process Technology.
(v) Perpetual Inventory Control.
(vi) MRP as a scheduling and ordering system.

March 2006

Management & Production Planning
March 2006
(Revised Course)

Time: 3Hours Marks:100

1 All questions are compulsory.
2 Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3 Answers to the two sections should be written in the same answer-book.


Answer in brief any six of the following questions:- (12)
(a) Co-ordination
(b) M.B.O.
(c) Brain storming Technique
(d) Motion Study
(e) Span of Management
(f) Induction Training
(g) Job description and Job specification
(h) Matrix Organization
(i) Performance Appraisal

Answer any four the following questions:- (20)
(a) Define Management and explain any five principles of Management.
(b) Briefly explain four advantages and four limitations of planning.
(c) What is decision making? What are the steps in decision making process?
(d) Distinguish between Formal and Informal organization.
(e) What is Delegation of Authority? Why is it necessary?
(f) What is 'Line and Staff' organization? Suggest any six measures to resolve the conflicts between 'Line and Staff'?
(g) Define controlling and explain any two control Techniques.

Answer any three of the following questions:- (18)
(a) What is staffing? Explain the factors affecting staffing.
(b) What do you mean by recruitment? Explain the external sources of recruitment of Managerial Personnel.
(c) What is Training and Development? What are Off-The-Job Methods of Training?
(d) Explain 'Theory X' and 'Theory Y' of motivation.
(e) Define leadership. Explain any five leadership styles.
(f) What are the managerial functions in Multinational Corporation?


Write short notes on any three of the following:- (18)
(a) Human Relations movement
(b) Premising and Forecasting
(c) Bases of departrnentation
(d) Human Resource Accounting
(e) Limitations of Performance Appraisal
(f) Types of Employment tests


Answer in brief any six of the following questions:- (12)
(a) Production Planning
(b) Productivity
(c) Quality Circle
(d) Product design
(e) Work study
(f) Statistical Quality Control
(g) Inventory
(h) Re-order Point?
(i) JIT Technique

Answer any four of the following questions:- (20)
(a) What do you mean by 'Production Management'? Explain its importance.
(b) Explain Batch Production, Mass Production and Process Production with examples.
(c) Suggest measures for improving industrial Productivity.
(d) Explain the difficulties in measuring industrial Productivity.
(e) What are the characteristics of a good Product design?
(f) What do you mean by 'Flexible Manufacturing System'? What are the problems with FMS?
(g) Explain the factors affecting selection of suitable plant location.

Answer in brief any six of the following questions:- (18)
(a) What do you understand by Production Standards? What are the uses of Production Standards?
(b) Explain the objectives of work measurement
(c) What is Total Quality Management? What are the problems in effective implementation of TQM in India ?
(d) Write notes on 'Quality Control'.
(e) What is Material Planning? Why is it necessary?
(f) What are the objectives of Inventory Control?


Write short notes on any three of the following :- (18)
(a) Productivity movement in India
(b) Quality Assurance
(c) Routing and scheduling
(d) ISO 9000
(e) Inventory Costs
(f) MRP as a scheduling and ordering system.

October 2005

Paper Not Available

March 2005

Paper Not Available

October 2004

Paper Not Available

March 2004

Paper Not Available

October 2003

Paper Not Available

March 2003

Paper Not Availble

October 2002

Paper Not Available

March 2002

Paper Not Available

October 2001

Paper Not Available

March 2001

Paper Not Available

October 2000

Paper Not Available

March 2000

Paper Not Available

October 1999

Paper Not Available

April 1999

Management & Human Resource Development
April 1999

Time: 3Hours Marks:100


a) Define Management and explain its nature and importance. (8)
b) Is Management a Profession? If so, why? (8)

a) Explain the Importance of Communication in a Corporate Organization. (8)
b) Explain the different levels of management. (8)

a) What are the Components of Planning. (8)
b) Explain the qualities of a good leader. (8)

a) How Maslow's theory of motivation is different from Herzberg's theory? (8)
b) Distinguish between theory X and theory Y of motivation. (8)

a) What is departmentation? Explain the bases of departmentation. (8)
b) Distinguish between delegation and decentralisation. (8)

Write short notes on (any three): (18)
a) Line Organisation.
b) Span of Control.
c) Any three Principles of Management.
d) Importance of decision-making.
e) Formal and Informal Organisation.
f) Traditional Vs Professional Management.


a) Bring out the relationship between Production Planning and Production Control.(8)
b) What is quality control? State its advantages. (8)

a) Define the term TQM. Explain its need and importance. (8)
b) What are in Limitations of TQM. (8)

a) Examine the factors that affect Industrial Productivity. (8)
b) State the main reasons for poor efficiency in Indian Productivity. (8)

a) "The problems of Industrial Sickness is taking a serious turn." Explain the statement and state its main causes. (8)
b) Suggest appropriate measures to solve the problem. (8)

a) Define Human Resource Development. Explain its importance. (8)
b) What are the sources of recruitment? (8)

Write notes on any three of the following: (18)
a) Job analysis.
b) Scientific Selection
c) Training Methods.
d) Routing and Scheduling.
e) Limitation of Performance appraisal.
f) Merits if interview technique.

October 1998

Management & Human Resource Development
October 1998

Time: 3Hours Marks: 100


a) "Management is distinct process of planning, organising, directing and controlling the human effect to achieve common objective". Elucidate the statement.(10)
b) Explain the need and importance of management. (6)

a) Define Planning. Bring out its nature and characteristics. (8)
b) Explain the various leadership styles. (8)

a) What is Motivation? What are the different methods that can be used for motivating employees? (10)
b) Explain the requirements of a good control system. (6)

a) What do you mean by the term 'Organisation'. Enumerate the different steps involved in the process of 'organising.' (8)
b) Distinguish between delegation of authority and decentralisation. (8)

a) Explain the merits of line organization and demerits of functional organisation.(8)
b) How to make committee organization effective? Explain the concept of matrix organization? (8)

Write short notes on (any three): (18)
a) Henry Fayol's principles of management.
b) Importance of coordination.
c) Features of professional management in India.
d) Factors determining span of control.
e) Guidelines for successful delegation of authority.
f) Suggestions for resolving line and staff conflicts.


a) What is production Management? Explain the various steps in Production Planning and Control. (8)
b) What is TQM? Discuss its advantages and limitations. (8)

a) What is Industrial Efficiency? What measures would you suggest to improve industrial efficiency? (8)
b) How can you measure Industrial Productivity? Explain the difficulties in measuring productivity. (8)

a) What is Industrial Sickness? Explain its features. (8)
b) What are the causes and remedies of industrial sickness? (8)

a) Elucidate the meaning and scope of Human Resource Development. (8)
b) What is Human Resource Planning? Bring out its need and importance. (8)

a) Explain the various types of employment tests and their advantages. (8)
b) What do you mean by Training and Development? Bring out the various purposes of Training and Development (8)

Write notes on (any three): (18)
a) Quality Circles.
b) Uses and application of Role Analysis.
c) Importance of Scientific Selection Policy.
d) Distinction between On-The-Job Training and Off-The-Job Training. e) Purposes and uses of Performance Appraisal.
f) Ranking Method of Performance Appraisal.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

April 1998

Management & Human Resource Development
April 1998

Time: 3Hours Marks: 100


a) "Management is the accomplishment of results through the efforts of other people". Elucidate the statement and explain the nature of management. (8)
b) What do you mean by levels of management? What are functions of each level? (8)

a) Explain Luther Gullick's functions of management. (8)
b) Distinguish between management and administration. (8)

a) What are the components of planning? (8)
b) Explain the term M.B.O. (8)

a) Examine the need and importance of motivation. (8)
b) Explain Maslow's theory of motivation. (8)

a) Distinguish between formal and informal organization. (8)
b) What are the principles of organization? (8)

Write notes on any three of the following: (18)
a) Organisational Chart
b) Departmentation
c) Theory of Graicunas (Span of Control)
d) Delegation of Authority
e) Features of Line Organization
f) Importance of C-ordination


a) Examine the steps involved in the production planning. (8)
b) Explain the importance of TOM. (8)

a) Describe the steps to be taken for quality control. (8)
b) What is the role of inspection in quality control? (8)

a) What are the factors that affect labour productivity? (8)
b) What are the problems in measuring the industrial productivity? (8)

a) How the sickness of the industry is identified? What are the causes of industrial sickness? (8)
b) What measures are generally taken to solve the problem of industrial sickness?(8)

a) Distinguish between job description and job specification. (6)
b) Explain the different sources of recruitment. What are their respective merits and demerits? (10)

Write notes on any three of the following: (18)
a) Role of Interview and Group discussion
b) Purpose of Training
c) Man-power planning
d) Technique of Performance Appraisal
e) Aptitude Tests
f) Scientific Selection.